

Hitachi Medical Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a manufacturer of diagnostic imaging systems, including MRI, CT, PET, X-ray, ultrasound and optical topography systems. The company also provides medical information systems and services.
About Hitachi
Healthcare landscapes are dramatically changing today, along with issues such as an aging society, expanding lifestyle related disease and an increase in national medical expenditure. Hitachi understands that healthcare is an integral part of our social infrastructure. Through its innovative technologies and systems/solutions, Hitachi is striving to support a healthy and secure life in the 21st century. 

Global Healthcare is facing a period of major change characterized by the increasing incidence of a variety of diseases, the challenges of regional disparities in the provision of healthcare and increasing medical expenditure. To address these fundamental issues, Hitachi delivers innovations that answer the challenges around the world. 

Hitachi’ s core strengths in Healthcare: 
- Comprehensive capabilities for Healthcare leadership in global social systems 
- Development capabilities for the collaborative creation of products and services with our partners in the healthcare industry 
- Innovative capabilities that draw on new possibilities in IT 

idsMED and Hitachi serve an advanced medical imaging products with latest technological designs and enhanced imaging techniques. It designed and built to the highest standards for professionals in demanding doctor’s practices and hospitals. Our commitment and personalized service to our clients makes us the right choice for all your mobile diagnostic imaging needs. 

Hitachi Medical Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a manufacturer of diagnostic imaging systems, including MRI, CT, PET, X-ray, ultrasound and optical topography systems. The company also provides medical information systems and services. Hitachi Medical is a 61.77%-owned subsidiary of the global electronics giant, Hitachi Ltd, where it is reported as part of the parent company’s Electronic Devices business line. Hitachi Medical sells medical systems in Japan, North America, Europe, Asia and other regions. In year ended March 2015, the company generated on sales of $5,625.7 billion.
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