Preventing Spread of Nosocomial Infection in ...
12 September 2018
Preventing Spread of Nosocomial Infection in Hospital
People acquire infectious diseases from many different places during their lives, one of which is hospitals. The hospita...
SST is Replacing GST Real Soon
28 August 2018
SST is Replacing GST Real Soon
What is it and who will be affected by SST?
Maquet Moduevo wins German Design Award 2018
16 August 2018
Maquet Moduevo wins German Design Award 2018
German Design Award, the prize that visualizes success. Maquet Moduevo ceiling supply units recognized for outstanding d...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017
25 December 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017
As the hands on the clock turn to bring about holiday season, we’d like to thank our family, friends, clients, and par...
World Prematurity Day
17 November 2017
World Prematurity Day
Every 30 seconds a premature baby dies. Premature birth is the important cause of death in children under the age of fiv...
World Diabetes Day
14 November 2017
World Diabetes Day
As the theme for World Diabetes Day this year is “Women and diabetes - Our right to a healthy future”. Women also ha...