HR ASIA proclaims idsMED Indonesia as the “...
22 July 2022
HR ASIA proclaims idsMED Indonesia as the “Best Company to Work for in Asia” for the Sixth Consecutive Year
HR ASIA once again conferred idsMED Indonesia as “Best Company to Work for in Asia” at the HR ASIA Awards 2022, whic...
idsMED Indonesia attends Hamilton Internation...
09 June 2022
idsMED Indonesia attends Hamilton International Partner Meeting 2022
To give recognition to its numerous partners, Hamilton hosted its global meeting in Kloten, Switzerland from 31 May to 3...
idsMED Indonesia Seals Partnership with Perma...
23 November 2021
idsMED Indonesia Seals Partnership with Permata Bank
On the 18th of November 2021, idsMED Indonesia sealed a new financial partnership with Permata Bank to tap into a new fi...
idsMED Indonesia wins the HR ASIA Award for t...
10 September 2021
idsMED Indonesia wins the HR ASIA Award for the 5th year
For 5 consecutive years, idsMED Indonesia is the Best Company to Work For
idsMED Indonesia’s Annual Awards & Apprecia...
09 September 2021
idsMED Indonesia’s Annual Awards & Appreciation 2021
On 3 September 2021, idsMED Indonesia’s Annual Awards and Appreciation 2021 ceremony honoured more than 100 of its emp...
idsMED Indonesia organises “10 Days 10,000 ...
08 September 2021
idsMED Indonesia organises “10 Days 10,000 Lunch Boxes” event
In conjunction with idsMED’s 10th Anniversary, idsMED Indonesia embarked on a charity drive to donate lunch packs to r...