
PRI­ME­DIC is pro­vi­ding au­to­ma­ted ex­ter­nal de­fi­bril­la­tors (AED) from the HeartS­a­ve se­ries for first ai­ders internationally.
About Primedic

With its PRI­ME­DIC brand, ME­TRAX is pro­vi­ding emer­gen­cy me­di­ci­ne with one of the most re­lia­ble and in­no­va­ti­ve pro­duct ran­ges out there. The de­fi­bril­la­tors in the De­fi­Mo­ni­tor se­ries have been spe­cial­ly de­ve­l­o­ped for hos­pi­tals, emer­gen­cy ser­vices and prac­ticing doc­tors. PRI­ME­DIC is pro­vi­ding au­to­ma­ted ex­ter­nal de­fi­bril­la­tors (AED) from the HeartS­a­ve se­ries for first ai­ders internationally.

Primedic has been an important partner of idsMED Philippines since its inception in 2015; Primedic is the sole provider of idsMED Philippines for emergency life-saving products such as defibrillators and automated external defibrillators (AED). Together, they provide premium-quality products for emergency rescue personnel across the nation

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