Mon, 11 April 2022
Bone Cancer Day in Indonesia
In Indonesia, Bone Cancer Awareness Day is celebrated every 11 April to promote awareness about the disease, particularly in its prevention, early detection and treatment.
COVID-19 dan Cara Mencegahnya
20 March 2020
COVID-19 dan Cara Mencegahnya
Apa itu Virus Corona? Mengapa virus ini dinyatakan sebagai pandemi? Mengapa berbahaya bagi manusia?
The Need of Patient Monitors
20 March 2020
The Need of Patient Monitors
Despite idsMED Thailand’s best intentions there are concerns the COVID-19 outbreak may involve the distribution of hea...
Radiologists ‘strongly recommend’ bedside...
18 March 2020
Radiologists ‘strongly recommend’ bedside ultrasound for COVID-19 pneumonia diagnosis
Venue Go empowers practitioners to simplify assessments and deliver effective care. With a wide array of AI backed auto ...
Gerakan Mudah untuk Membantu Menurunkan Berat...
19 February 2020
Gerakan Mudah untuk Membantu Menurunkan Berat Badan
Ingin menurunkan berat badan tanpa membuang uang dan waktu? Berikut empat gerakan mudah yang bisa Anda lakukan setiap ha...
Welcoming you to idsMED booth at BDMS event
14 August 2019
Welcoming you to idsMED booth at BDMS event
Every year BDMS manage to have own BDMS event at Intercontinental Hotel. To thank you for BDMS long time patronage, we a...
Diet Penurunan Berat Badan Mana yang Cocok un...
10 July 2019
Diet Penurunan Berat Badan Mana yang Cocok untuk Anda?
Ada banyak sekali diet di luar sana. Beberapa diantaranya fokus pada pengurangan nafsu makan, sementara yang lainnya ber...