Tidewave Medical

A MedTech company from Norway, Tidewave Mdeical specialises in high quality innovative solutions for people with reduced mobility. Their team consists of a bunch of people with big hearts, passion for making changes for the better – and a innovative mindset. Their customers are hospitals, nursing homes and modern home care – both in the public and private market. The main product is the Tidewave™ Mattress, which revolutionizes pressure ulcers prevention.
About Tidewave Medical
A family heritage story: Grandfathers development

The concept of the Tidewave™ Mattress and its unique Tidewave Curve™ was originally invented in early 1990 by Audun Haugs, an engineer and inventor from Bergen, Norway.

After a request for a solution to preventing pressure ulcers from Haukeland hospital, he had the idea to get use of one of his existing patent: a soft grip tool for the petroleum sector. By turning the gentle tool around, the concept and prototypes of a curved and automated turning mattress was born. However, due to his sudden passing the process was put on hold.

Little would he know, that in 2017 his granddaughter, Elen Haugs Langvik, would bring the concept alive again together with her two fellow students Bjørn Lorentzen and Nina Fagerheim Åmodt. A new company was formed, which is todays Tidewave Medical.
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