How Stress Test Could Support Healthcare Practitioners

Stress test is a test of cardiovascular capacity made by monitoring the heart during a period of increasingly strenuous exercise. This test also uses electrocardiogram to monitor changes in the heart, which allows physicians to see coherently on how the heart works along with its health conditions.
20 July 2018

Heart failure is one of the highest cause of death in the world and according to cfrjournal, in 2016 it has affected 26 million people over the world. With this high mortality rate, globally the estimation of health expenditure is $31 billion, which shows that there are a large number of people who spend their money in treating cardiovascular problem.

There are several tests that can be used to diagnose heart disease, however the most commonly used is electrocardiogram (EKG) tests. Electrocardiogram (EKG) is the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrodes placed on the skin. The American Heart Association highly recommended the use of EKG to detect cardiovascular problems in people who have shown symptoms of heart disease. In an EKG, healthcare providers will be able to see the result almost immediately after the test and they will deduce on what the next step or treatment if they saw abnormalities.

Although EKG is one of the best method in diagnosing heart failure, it will not be able to assess risk of sudden heart attacks or identifying cardiovascular problem such as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in women. These two factors are the main reason why technological advancement are needed when diagnosing heart diseases.

An example of test that has been improved significantly by technology is the stress test. Stress test is a test of cardiovascular capacity made by monitoring the heart during a period of increasingly strenuous exercise. This test also uses electrocardiogram to monitor changes in the heart, which allows physicians to see coherently on how the heart works along with its health conditions.

This test is especially useful for doctors in diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease and it will also let them know on how severe the CAD is. This test is one of the best way to diagnose heart diseases and it also supports health care practitioners to easily review and formulate according to the result presented.

To see our stress test product details, click here.

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