05 October 2017

22nd Joint Singapore-Malaysia Nursing Conference 2017

JSMNC takes place annually since 1995, and Tan Tock Seng Hospital is honoured to host the conference this year. The theme for this year is "Nurses beyond Nursing; Nursing beyond Nurses. The distinguished speakers will share with us valuable insights on these four tracks: (a) nursing leadership, (b) education and clinical practice, (c) productivity and innovation, and lastly (d) quality and patient safety.

This conference will shed some light in navigating our increasingly complex healthcare landscape through the oral and poster presentations, and hopefully inspire nurses to practise beyond the conventional scope of nursing so as to directly improve patient outcomes.

The key objectives of Joint Singapore Malaysia Nursing Conference are as follows:

  1. To strengthen ties between Singaporean and Malaysian nurses as well as with counterparts from other countries.
  2. To provide a platform for regional nursing professionals to network, share and exchange knowledge and innovations to enhance the current and future nursing practice.
  3. To discuss and share innovations, trends and challenges in the complexities of continuing education to enable nurses to perform at the top of their license within an ageing nursing workforce.

idsMED Singapore also participates to this event as one of the sponsor. We are excited to join The 22nd Joint Singapore-Malaysia Nursing Conference (JSMNC) 2017.

Please do not hesitate to contact :

jsmnc2017@ttsh.com.sg should you have any enquiries.

Date and Time
Thu, 05 Oct 2017 - Wed, 06 Dec 2017
08:00 am - 07:00 pm
Venus Ballroom level 3, Furama Riverfront Hotel, 405 Havelock Rd, Singapore 169633
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