
idsMED Singapore Supports White Matter Dissection Course

From 21-22 July 2023, the Department of Anatomy, National University of Singapore hosted the 2nd Edition of the White Matter Dissection Course. idsMED Singapore played a pivotal role by being one of the sponsors for the event. During the course, the idsMED team proudly represented its distributor Integra LifeSciences to present a range of products related to the field of neurosurgery.
Event News
15 August 2023
idsMED Singapore was one of the sponsors of the 2nd Edition of the White Matter Dissection Course hosted by the Division of Neurosurgery and Department of Anatomy, National University Health System. This neurosurgical event was held over the weekend of 21-22 July 2023 at the Department of Anatomy, National University of Singapore.

This year’s course was anchored by a distinguished and renowned expert from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Eduardo Ribas, and the course was directed by Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon at National University Health System (NUHS), Dr. Teo Kejia.

A total of 20 participants comprising consultants, fellows, and registrars from Singapore and other parts of Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Hong Kong attended the event.

Through the course, participants were able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject and engaged in in-depth discussions on the anatomy and function of white matter tracts in the context of neurosurgical practice. Demonstrations of cadaveric dissections were also presented, offering a unique opportunity for the attendees to witness and engage in hands-on learning experiences. The diverse participant pool facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and experiences, further enriching the educational value of the event.

idsMED Singapore represented Integra LifeSciences as a distributor during the event. The team showcased products specifically relevant to neurosurgery on a tabletop presentation manned by members of the Singapore Field Sales Specialist (FSS) and Medical Specialty Care (MSC) teams. Big thanks to the teams for their hard work in this event!

idsMED Singapore is honoured to be part of this event, as such partnerships play a pivotal role in facilitating the successful organisation of knowledge-sharing initiatives. As the White Matter Dissection Course is set to become an annual event, idsMED Singapore is eager and ready to provide support in the years ahead.

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